1. Byrd, V.L., McGraw, T., Chen, Y., Connolly, P.: Curriculum development for visualization capacity building. In: Proceeding of the ASEE Engineering Design Graphics Division, 71st Mid Year Conference, pp. 45–49, 16–18 October 2016
2. Byrd, V.L.: Introducing data visualization: a hands-on approach for undergraduates. Paper accepted to be presented at 2018 Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, E-Learn Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, 15–18 October 2018
3. Byrd, V.: Parallels between engineering graphics and data visualization: a first step toward visualization capacity building in engineering graphics design. In: ASEE EDGD 72nd Midyear Conference, 3–8 January 2018
4. Johnson, A.: Teaching data visualization in evl’s cyber-commons classroom. In: Pedagogy Data Visualization, IEEE VIS Workshop (2016)
5. Beyer, J., Strobelt, H., Oppermann, M., Deslauriers, L., Pfister, H.: Teaching visualization for large and diverse classes on campus and online. In: Pedagogy Data Visualization. IEEE (2016)