1. Abdul Majid NH (2021a) Tipologi Masjid Vernakular Berbumbung Panjang di Wilayah Utara Semenanjung Malaysia. In: Seminar Kebangsaan Alam & Tamaddun Melayu: Memperkasa Warisan, Sejarah, Adat dan Jati Diri Tamadun Bangsa. 9–10 November 2021, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
2. Abdul Majid NH (2021b) Typology of Long-roofed vernacular mosques in the Northern Region of Peninsular Malaysia. The Legacy of Langkasuka. Input lecture, MAAR7031 Masjid Architecture. Kulliyyah of Architecture and Environmental Design, International Islamic University Malaysia. 21st October
3. Abdul Majid NH, Denan Z (2015) Ratio determination of solids and voids for traditional Malay carvings: a preparation for environmental performance. Int J Eng Technol 7:126–129. https://doi.org/10.7763/IJET.2015.V7.779
4. Abdul Majid NH, Jahn Kassim S (2023) The ‘punctured’ pavilions. In: Jahn Kassim, Shireen, Abdul Majid, Noor Hanita, Dzulkifli, Abdul Razak (eds) Eco-Urbanism and the Southeast Asian City: climate, urban architectural form and heritage. Palgrave Macmillan, Springer Nature, Singapore
5. Abdul Majid NH, Abdullah FH, Denan Z (2018) Determining model configuration for thermal simulation of urban mosque façade design. Plan Malaysia 16(1):348–359. ISSN 1675-6215