Tracing a Black Hole: Probing Cosmic Darkness in Anthropocenic Times


Beier Jessie


AbstractIn April 2019, the Event Horizon Telescope (EHT) project released an unprecedented image of a supermassive black hole at the centre of galaxy Messier 87. The image, which shows a dark disc outlined by swirling hot gas circling the black hole’s event horizon, exhibits a 55 million-year-old cosmic event in the Virgo galaxy cluster—a void of stellar mass measuring some 6.5 billion times that of our sun. Situated within today’s (Good) Anthropocene scenario, characterized as it is by both the rise of an inhospitable planet but also a range of good vibes and affirmative mantras, this tracing explores this newly “discovered” black hole in terms of the unthinkable questions and speculative trajectories it raises for education and its futures. Through a series of forays into astrophysics, historical examples of cosmic imaging, and further exploration of the image created by EHT, this tracing outlines the black hole and its apparent horizons in order to propose a strange vantage point from which pedagogical problem-posing might be interrupted, mutated, and relaunched. By turning to that which lies outside of the traditional science classroom—beyond the school, beyond curriculum, indeed, beyond the planet itself—this tracing seeks to probe this black hole event in terms of its weird and weirding pedagogical trajectories so as to speculate on unthought possibilities for resituating (science) education in the age of the Anthropocene.


Springer International Publishing

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