1. R. Doverspike, P. Magill: Chap. 13: commercial optical networks, overlay networks and services. In: Optical Fiber Telecommunications V B (Elsevier, Amsterdam 2008)
2. R. Doverspike, K.K. Ramakrishnan, C. Chase: Structural overview of commercial long distance IP networks. In: Guide to Reliable Internet Services and Applications, ed. by C. Kalmanek, S. Misra, R. Yang (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg 2010)
3. R. Doverspike, J. Reich: Automated planning and provisioning for carrier metro networks. In: Conf. Design of Reliable Communications Networks (DRCN), Kansas City, Vol. 2015 (2015), keynote talk
4. International Telecommunication Union: ITU-T G.984.1: Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Networks (GPON): General characteristics,
5. New York Times: Google curbs expansion of fiber optic network, cutting jobs,