1. S. 846–868,1871,1883 von Rudolf
Kulturpflanenvereichnis, vgl. Ref. [1] sub Cucurbitaceae in Bd. Viii.
2. Angelina L. Maite, S. 116–118 in: A. J. M. Leeuwen-Berg (compiler), Medicinal and poisonous plants of the tropics, Pudoc Wageningen 1987.
3. A. S. Mitchell, Economic aspects of the Malvaceae in Australia, Econ. Bot. 36, 313–322 (1982). Mit 112 Literaturhinweisen.
4. P. A. Fryxell, The natural history of the cotton tribe, Texas A et M University Press, College Station, Texas (ohne Datum: Isbn–0–89096–071–2). Genera Cephalohibiscus, Cienfuegosia, Gossypioides, Gossypium, Hampea, Kokia, Lebronnecia und Thespesia.
5. Bertha S. Dodge, Cotton, the plant that would be king, University of Texas Press, Austin 1984