1. L. L. Forman, The correct names for the tribes of Menispermaceae, Kew Bull. 37, 367–368 (1982).
2. HeleneGuinaudeau et al., Lloydia 38, 275 (1975); 42 325 (1979); 46, 761 (1983); Natural Prod. Reports 1, 201 (1984). Aporphin-Alkaloide.
3. C. W. Tornber, Alkaloids of the Menispermaceae, Review, Phytochemistry 9, 157–187 (1970). Verbreitung von 59 Alkaloiden in 50 Arten aus 22 Gattungen.
4. J. Siwon, A pharmacognostic study of some Indonesian medicinal plants of the family Menispermaceae, Diss. Univ. Leiden 1982. Kapitel 1: Alkaloide asiatischer Vertreter der Menispermeae, Coscinieae, Fibraureae und Tiliacoreae.
5. F. C. Ohiri, Contribution to the study of Nigerian medicinal plants. Diss. Univ. Leiden 1983. Part 2, Chapter 1: African Menispermaceae and their alkaloids — Alkaloide von Vertretern der Gattungen Chasmanthera, Cissampelos, Cocculus, Dioscoreophyllum, Epinetrum, Jateorhia, Kolbo-petalum, Limaciopsis, Penianthus, Rhigiocarya, Sphenocentrum, Stephania, Synclisia, Tiliacora, Tinospora und Triclisia.