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4. Adebayo P (2011) Post-apartheid housing policy and a somewhat altered state role: does incremental housing still have a place in South Africa? Built Human Environ Rev 4(Special Issue No 2)
5. Africa News Agency (2019) Selling an RDP house before having it for eight years is prohibited says city of Ekurhuleni. The Citizen. https://citizen.co.za/news/south-africa/general/2155499/selling-an-rdp-house-before-having-it-for-eight-years-is-prohibited-says-city-ofekurhuleni/#:~:text=The%20City%20of%20Ekurhuleni%20on,of%20receiving%20it%20is%20prohibited.&text=They%2C%20therefore%2C%20resort%20to%20returning,selling%20the%20government%2Dprovided%20houses. Cited 13 Sept 2020