AbstractConsidering the demanufacturing of large infrastructures (as wind blades and aircrafts) rich in composite materials, the most impacting step in terms of costs is disassembly. Different routes could be followed for dismantling and transportation and several factors influence the final result (as the technology used, the logistic and the administrative issues). For this reason, it is fundamental to understand which solution has to be followed to reduce the impact of decommissioning on the overall recycling and reusing cost. This work, after the formalization of the different possible disassembly scenarios, proposes a Decision Support System (DSS) for disassembly of large composite-rich installations, that has been designed and implemented for the identification of the most promising disassembly strategy, according to the process costs minimization. The mathematical models constituting the core of this tool are detailed and the DSS is applied to disassembly of onshore wind blades, underling the importance of similar systems to optimize demanufacturing costs.
Springer International Publishing
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