AbstractThe rewrite relation of a conditional term rewriting system (CTRS) can be divided into a hierarchy of rewrite relations of term rewriting systems (TRSs) by the depth of the recursive use of rewrite relation in conditions; a CTRS is said to be level-confluent if each of these TRSs are confluent, and level-confluence implies confluence. We introduce level-commutation of CTRSs that extends the notion of level-confluence, in a way similar to extending confluence to commutation, and give a critical pair criterion for level-commutation of oriented CTRSs with extra variables (3-CTRSs). Our result generalizes a criterion for commutation of TRSs of (Toyama, 1987), and properly extends a criterion for level-confluence of orthogonal oriented 3-CTRSs (Suzuki et al., 1995). We also present criteria for level-confluence and commutation of join and semi-equational 3-CTRSs that may have overlaps.
Springer Nature Switzerland