1. B-Fast, Nd; at: https://b-fast.be/en.
2. Belgian Defense, 2019: “Security and Environment Review”.
3. Belgian Foreign Minister, Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs, and Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, 2018: “Intervention During a Ministerial Meeting ‘Gof Climate & Security’”; at: https://newyorkun.diplomatie.belgium.be/belgium-un/belgian-statements/belgian-statements-2018.
4. Belgium Permanent Mission to New York and Especially to the United Nations Security Council, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2020: “Mandate of Belgium at the UNSC (2019–2020)”; at: https://newyorkun.diplomatie.belgium.be/belgium-unsc.
5. Belgium Permanent Mission to New York and Especially to the United Nations Security Council, 2020a: “Unoca”; at: https://newyorkun.diplomatie.belgium.be/sites/default/files/content/target1_116297fren_20201209_unoca_interventie_bxl_en.pdf.