1. Aristotle. (1941a). Metaphysics (Metaphysica). In R. McKeon (Ed.), The basic works of Aristotle (pp. 681–926). New York, NY: Random House.
2. Aristotle. (1941b). On the soul (De Anima). In R. McKeon (Ed.), The basic works of Aristotle (pp. 533–603). New York, NY: Random House.
3. Aristotle. (1941c). Physics (Physica). In R. McKeon (Ed.), The basic works of Aristotle (pp. 213–394). New York, NY: Random House.
4. Aristotle. (1984a). Metaphysics. In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation (Vol. 2, pp. 1552–1728). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
5. Aristotle. (1984b). On Melissus, Xenophanes, and Gorgias. In J. Barnes (Ed.), The complete works of Aristotle. The revised Oxford translation (Vol. 2, pp. 1539–1551). Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.