1. Book of Lord Shang. See Pines 2017.
2. Chang, Hao. 1987. Chinese Intellectuals in Crisis: Search for Order and Meaning (1890–1911). Berkeley: University of California Press.
3. Chen, Lie 陳烈. 1929. Political Philosophy of the fa School 法家政治哲學. Shanghai: Huatong shuju.
4. Chen, Qitian 陳啓天. 1935. Critical Biography of Shang Yang商鞅評傳. Shanghai: Shangwu. (One of the finest studies of Shang Yang’s ideology).
5. Chen, Chuang 陳闖. 2019. “Studies of Ancient Texts during the Movement ‘Reappraise the fa Thinkers, Criticize Confucians’”“評法批儒”運動時期的古典學術研究. PhD. Dissertation, Shandong University. (Systematic analysis of the new editions of the fa texts published in 1972–76).