1. Brindley, Erica. 2013. The Polarization of the Concepts Si (Private Interest) and Gong (Public Interest) in Early Chinese Thought. Asia Major (Third Series) 26 (2): 1–31. (an important discussion of the critical development of 私 and 公 in early Chinese texts; can be usefully read together with Liu 2003a&b).
2. Chan, Wing-tsit, trans. and comp. 1963. A Source Book in Chinese Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. (comprehensive, but a bit dated).
3. Chen, Minzhen. 2023. How to Understand ‘Empty’ Records: On the Format and Compilation of Chunqiu from the Perspective of Bamboo Manuscripts. In Zuozhuan and early Chinese historiography, ed. Yuri Pines, Martin Kern, and Nino Luraghi, 63–88. Leiden: Brill.
4. Chen, Qiyou 陳奇猷 (1917–2006). 2000. Han Feizi with New Collated Glosses 韓非子新校注. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe. (the most widely-used contemporary edition of the Han Feizi).
5. Defoort, Carine. 2013. Are the Three “Jian Ai” Chapters about Universal Love? In The Mozi as an Evolving Text: Different Voices in Early Chinese Thought, ed. Carine Defoort and Nicolas Standaert, 35–68. Leiden: Brill.