Feminist Storytellers Imagining New Stories to Tell


de Nooijer Rosa,Sol Cueva Lillian


AbstractFeminist scholars such as Donna Haraway (Modest_Witness@Second_Millennium. FemaleMan©Meets_OncoMouse™: Feminism and technoscience, Routledge, 1997, Making oddkin: Story telling for earthly survival, YaleUniversity, 2017, a/b: Auto/Biography Studies 34(3): 565–575, 2019) have been using storytelling in their research, challenging dominant thinking and writing practices in academic work. To counter dominant knowledge practices, storytelling interweaves a plurality of voices and knowledges which speak to one another in order to move toward the imagination and creation of new words, therefore new worlds. Our chapter explores the rich opportunities and challenges that narrative approaches provide for feminist research. We discuss what we could learn from the varied engagements with storytelling as an alternative methodological approach. To do so, creatively and in a dialogue, we bring together literature and insights from feminist narrative studies. At the same time, we ask each other questions, thinking through and reflecting on the use of this method.


Springer International Publishing

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