Disposing of Daily Life Resources by Active Modes


Hachette Maxime,Propeck-Zimmermann Eliane,L’Hostis Alain


AbstractToday, many cities are promoting sustainable mobility. Their policies have already reduced the car’s place, developed pedestrian and bicycle facilities, or renewed public transport. This raises the question of the effects of these policies on the conditions of access to everyday resources. Are the facilities for sustainable mobility configured in such a way as to enable the population’s needs to be met? Globally or selectively? Do active modes (walking and cycling) offer a credible alternative to the car in order to effectively provide the resources necessary for daily life throughout the urban agglomeration?To answer these questions, this chapter presents a geographical analysis approach based on the concept of spatial ergonomics. The application to 12 test areas, using a geographic information system, has revealed cleavage situations within the Eurométropole de Strasbourg, to study finely differentiated situations and to put them in perspective with socio-demographic profiles to analyze socio-spatial disparities.The various levels of information shed light on leeway available to inhabitants, wherever they are located, to change their mode of travel. The method makes it possible to produce territorial diagnoses and to help local authorities to promote effective sustainable development policies.


Springer International Publishing

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