1. For studies on the Chinese Communists in power see: Meisner, Maurice, ‘Mao’s China and After’, (New York 1999), Schram, Stuart R., ‘Mao Tse-tung’, (Harmondsworth, Middlesex 1970), Spence, Jonathan, ‘The Search for Modern China’, (New York 1999), Macfarquhar, Roderick and Fairbank, John (eds), Cambridge History of China Vols 14, 15 (Cambridge 1995) For a study of the violence involved, see Dikotter, Frank, ‘The Tragedy of Liberation’, (London 2013)
2. Magee, Bryan, ‘Popper’ (London 1973) p.75–6
3. Meisner, Maurice, ‘Mao’s China and After’ (New York 1999) p.237
4. For excellent accounts of this period: see MacFarquhar, Roderick, ‘The Origins of the Cultural Revolution’ Vol 3 The Coming of the Cataclysm: 1961–66’ (New York 1997) and MacFarquhar, Roderick, and Schoenals, Michael, ‘Mao’s Last Revolution’ (Cambridge, MA USA 2006)
5. The term ‘Number 9’ originated during the Yuan dynasty where the Mongol conquerors identified ten “castes” of Chinese, with only beggars at a status below the intellectuals.