1. Aguilar, Emanuel Abraham. Goblin Market: Cantata, for Treble Voices. Text by Christina Rossetti, adapted by Emanuel Aguilar and Christina Rossetti. London: Hutchings & Romer, 1880.
2. Aguilar, Emanuel. Angeli-Dennis Collection, University of British Columbia, box 19, folder 1.
3. Banfield, Stephen. Sensibility and English Song: Critical Studies of the Early 20th Century. 2 vols. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985.
4. Bell, Mackenzie. Christina Rossetti: A Biographical and Critical Study. Boston: Roberts Brothers, 1898.
5. Bustin, Dillon. “‘The Morrow’s Uprising’: William Morris and the English Folk Revival.” Folklore Forum 15, no. 1 (1982): 17–38.