1. L.-A. Appelqvist and R. Ohlson (eds), Rapeseed - Cultivation, composition, processing and utilization, Elsevier Publ. Comp., Amsterdam 1972.
2. S. Tsunoda et al. (eds), Brassica crops and wild allies - Biology and breeding, Japan Scientific Societies Press, Tokyo 1980. Mit Kapiteln über Samenöle, Biosynthese verschiedener Fettsäuren und über Glucosinolate.
3. P. H. Williams, Chemistry and breeding of cruciferous vegetables, Recent Adv. Phytochem. 14, 139–155 (1980). Berücksichtigt Glucosinolate.
4. P. H. Williams and C. B. Hill,Rapid-cycling populations of Brassica, Science 232, 1385–1389 (1986)
5. A. R. Gray, Taxonomy and evolution of broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica), Econ. Bot. 36, 397–410 (1982).