1. Bechler Z. Three Copernican revolutions, Zmora-Bitan Tel-Aviv (Hebrew). 1999.
2. Borel E. Leçons sur la théorie des functions, 1950 edition, Gauthiers-Villars: Paris; 1898.
3. Cantor G. Contributions to the founding of the theory of Transfinite Numbers, English version of Cantor 1895 and Cantor 1897, translated by Jourdain PEB. Dover Publications Inc.
4. Dedekind R. Essays on the theory of numbers, English translation of Dedekind 1888, by Berman WW, New York: Dover; 1963. Also in Ewald 1996 vol 2 p 787–833.
5. Dugac P. Richard Dedekind et les fondements des mathématiques. Paris: Vrin; 1976.