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2. Ferreira TC, Fernandes E (2021) Álvaro Siza's tectonic shift in Leça da Palmeira: from design to conservation. In: 16th International Docomomo conference Tokyo Japan 2020+1. Inheritable resilience; sharing values of global modernities. Docomomo, Tokyo
3. Ferreira TC (2022) Life between tides. In: Ferreira TC, Urbano L (eds) No place is deserted. Álvaro Siza: Ocean Swimming Pool (1960–021). FAUP/Afrontamento, Porto, pp 10–27
4. Ferreira TC (2022) Critical reception: Ocean Swimming Pool. In: Ferreira TC (ed) Sharing memories. Álvaro Siza: Ocean Swimming Pool (1960–2021). FAUP/Afrontamento, Porto, pp 14–19
5. Ferreira TC (2022) Siza preserves Siza: concrete conservation on the Ocean Swimming Pool (2018–2021). In: Ferreira TC, Gandini B (eds) Conserving concrete/Restaurer les Bétons book of extended abstracts. FAUP/ICOMOS France, Porto