1. Plimer, I. (2009). Heaven and Earth –Global warming: The missing science. London: Quartet Books Limited, 503 pp.
2. Svensmark, H., & Calder, N. (2007). The chilling stars – A cosmic view of climate change (p. 268). Thriplow/Cambridge: Icon Books Ltd.
3. https://solarscience.msfc.nasa.gov/interior
. Web author Dr. David H. Hathaway. There are a variety of solar images made available by NASA on the internet that are included here in this chapter.
4. Sokol, J. (2018). A place in the sun. Science, 361, 441–445.
5. The special image of Fig. 10.5 from imagery of Sun captured by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory on May 17–19, 2016.