Learning to Give Useful Hints: Assistance Action Evaluation and Policy Improvements


Schmucker Robin,Pachapurkar Nimish,Bala Shanmuga,Shah Miral,Mitchell Tom


AbstractWe describe a fielded online tutoring system that learns which of several candidate assistance actions (e.g., one of multiple hints) to provide to students when they answer a practice question incorrectly. The system learns, from large-scale data of prior students, which assistance action to give for each of thousands of questions, to maximize measures of student learning outcomes. Using data from over 190,000 students in an online Biology course, we quantify the impact of different assistance actions for each question on a variety of outcomes (e.g., response correctness, practice completion), framing the machine learning task as a multi-armed bandit problem. We study relationships among different measures of learning outcomes, leading us to design an algorithm that for each question decides on the most suitable assistance policy training objective to optimize central target measures. We evaluate the trained policy for providing assistance actions, comparing it to a randomized assistance policy in live use with over 20,000 students, showing significant improvements resulting from the system’s ability to learn to teach better based on data from earlier students in the course. We discuss our design process and challenges we faced when fielding data-driven technology, providing insights to designers of future learning systems.


Springer Nature Switzerland

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