1. Biryukov, A.N.: The theoretical basis for the development of neural network models in the system of tax administration. UFA: RB Academy of Sciences, Guillem (2011)
2. Biryukov, A.N.: The concept of an image recognition of a violation in the tax declaration using a neural network display. In: Abstracts - XVI All-Russian Scientific Conference “Necrocomputers and Their Application” Moscow. MGPUU, pp. 340–341 (2018). http://www.it.mgppu.ru/upload/iblock/
3. Biryukov, A.N.: Neural network modeling of a quantitative display of a linguistic variable risk of bankruptcy of the corporation. In: III All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Artificial Intelligence in Solving the Current Social and Economic Problems of the XXI Century” Perm, Perm Depth. Russian Wound, pp. 27–32 (2018). http://www.psu.ru/files/docs/science/books/sborniki/iskusstv-intellekt-v-reshenii-akt-problem-xxi-veka.pdf
4. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing;A Biryukov,2019
5. Gorbatkov, S.A., Polipanov, D.V., Biryukov, A.N., Makeeva, E.Yu.: Methodological foundations of the development of neural network models of economic objects in the conditions of uncertainty. Publishing House “Economic Gazeta”, p. 494 (2012)