1. Sobieczky, E.: Throne of gold and dress of stars. On the meaning of polychromy in high medieval marian sculpture. In: Znorovszky, A.-B., Jaritz, G. (eds.) Marian Devotion in the Late Middle Ages (Studies in Medieval History and Culture), pp. 6–30. Routledge (2022). https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003179054-2
2. Sobieczky, E.: Pictura translucida between material and immaterial. Observations on high medieval european polychrome wood sculptures. In: Silva Santa Cruz, N., García García, F., Rodríguez Peinado, L., Romero Medina, R. (eds.) (In)materialidad en el arte medieval (Piedras Angulares), pp. 113–130. Trea, Gijón (2023). https://doi.org/10.21937/k6c1-6887
3. FWF (Austrian Science Fund) Principal Investigator Project P 32716-G “The Polychromy of Early and High Medieval Wood Sculpture”, PI E. Sobieczky. www.akbild.ac.at/en/research/projects/research_projects/2019/the-polychromy-of-early-and-high-medieval-wood-sculpture
4. Albarakati, R.: Density Based Data Clustering. Electronic Theses, Projects, and Dissertations 134 (2015). https://scholarworks.lib.csusb.edu/etd/134
5. Moreno, H., Mendoza, A.S., Talavera, J.M., González, J.: Formation of clusters in cultural heritage-strategies for optimizing resources in museums. J. Cult. Heritage Manag. Sustain. Dev. (2021). ISSN 2044-1266