1. Al-Qaeda (2004). Military studies in the Jihād against the Tyrants. This Al-Qaeda source will be cited as: Post JM
2. (ed) (2004) Military Studies in the Jihād against the Tyrants. USAF Counterproliferation Center. Accessed online: http://www.au.af.mil/au/cpc/assets/alqaedatrainingmanual.pdf
3. Al-Qaeda (2009) A practical course of guerrilla war (by Abd Al-Aziz Al-Muqrin). This Al-Qaeda source has been cited as: Abd Al-Aziz Al-Muqrin (2009) A practical course of Guerrilla War. Translated by Norman Cigar, published as: Al-Aqidas’s Doctrine for Insurgency. Washington
4. Al-Qaeda (2015). Inspire no. 14.
5. Al-Qaeda (2016) Inspire no. 15. Professional Assassinations