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2. Kolarević, N., Kosanović, N., & Miloš, M. (2018b). Methodology for efficiency determination of tip-jet helicopter propulsion system. Machine Design, 8(4), 133–136.
3. Kolarević, N., Crnojević, S., Stanković, M., Latković, N., & Miloš, M. (2020a). Experimental verification of performance of tip-jet helicopter propulsion. Material Today: Proceedings, 32, 112–117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matpr.2020.03.080
4. Kolarević, N., Stanković, M., Davidović, N., & Miloš, M. (2020b). Design solution and structural optimisation of feathering hinge assembly of teetering rotor head for tip-jet helicopters (pp. 123–128). 9th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies – OTEH, Belgrade.
5. Kosanović, N., Kolarević, N., & Miloš, M. (2017). Laser welded inconel rotor blades for tip-jet helicopter. 34th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics.