1. ***
, Last updated: 26 February 2018, Content editor: Sanja Kuruzovic, Accessed Sept 2018
2. ***
, Accessed Sept 2018. Online official declaration of THS Marea Neagra (owner company) for 2012
3. ***Statiunea Aurora. Convorbire cu arhitectul Dinu Gheorghiu/Aurora Resort. A conversation with architect Dinu Gheorghiu, in Revista Arhitectura [Architecture Magazine], no. A6, 1973
4. ***The archive of Romanian Architect’s Union [Uniunea Arhitecților din România]
5. Ankre R (2007) Understanding the visitor. A prerequisite for coastal zone planning, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Licentiate Dissertation Series No. 2007:09, School of Technoculture, Humanities and Planning, Sweden, ISBN 978-91-7295-122-8, p. 28, footnote 10