1. Zweig, K., Hauer, M., Raudonat, F.: Anwendungsszenarien: KI-Systeme im Personal- und Talentmanagement, ExamAI – KI Testing & Auditing. Gesellschaft für Informatik, Berlin (2020)
2. Waltl, B., Vogl, R.: Explainable artificial intelligence – the new frontier in legal informatics. Jusletter IT 4, 1–10 (2018)
3. Broy, M., Kuhrmann, M.: Einführung in die Softwaretechnik, Springer, Heidelberg https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-662-50263 (2021)
4. Why AI is the future of growth, Accenture, 2016. The economic impact of the automation of knowledge work, robots and self-driving vehicles could reach between EUR 6.5 and EUR 12 trillion annually by 2025 (including improved productivity and higher quality of life in ageing populations). Source: Disruptive technologies: Advances that will transform life, business, and the global economy, McKinsey Global Institute (2013)
5. AI is part of the Commission's strategy to digitise industry (COM(2016) 180 final) and a renewed EU Industrial Policy Strategy (COM(2017) 479 final)