Springer International Publishing
Reference18 articles.
1. S.G. Lekhnitskii, Anisotropic Plates (Engl. transl. from the 2nd Russ. edition by S. W. Tsai, T. Cheron) (Gordon and Breach, New York, 1984)
2. S.V. Gryshchuk, Monogenic Functions in Two Dimensional Commutative Algebras to Equations of Plane Orthotropy. Pratsi Inst. Prikl. Mat. Mikh. NANU 32, 18–29 (2018)
3. S.V. Gryshchuk, Commutative complex algebras of the second rank with unity and some cases of plane orthotropy I (in Ukrainian). Ukr. Mat. Zh. 70(8), 1058-1071 (2018)
4. English translation: Ukr. Math. J. 70(8), 1221-1236 (2019)
5. S.V. Gryshchuk, Commutative complex algebras of the second rank with unity and some cases of plane orthotropy II (in Ukrainian). Ukr. Mat. Zh. 70(10), 1382-1389 (2018)