1. The History of the Kings of Britain, An Edition and Translation of the De gestis Britonum [Historia Regum Britanniae]. Edited by Michael D. Reeve. Translated by Neil Wright. Woodbridge: Boydell Press, 2007.
2. Layamon’s Arthur: The Arthurian Section of Layamon’s Brut. Edited and translated by W. R. J. Barron and S. C. Weinberg. London: University of Exeter Press, 2001.
3. Wace’s Roman de Brut: A History of the British. Edited by Judith Weiss. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, 2010.
4. The Works of Sir Thomas Malory. Edited by Eugène Vinaver. Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1990.
5. Adler, Gillian. “Writing History, Writing Trauma: The Rape of Igerna in the Medieval Brut Narratives.” Medieval Feminist Forum: A Journal of Gender and Sexuality 56, no. 2 (2021): 48–72.