1. Baranov A (1795) Letter, Baranov to Shelikov and Polevoi, from Paul’s Harbor, May 20, 1795. In: Tikhmenev PA (1979) Pierce RA, Donnelly AS (eds) A history of the Russian-American Company, vol. 2: Documents (trans: Krenov D). Materials for the study of Alaska history, no 13. The Limestone Press, Kingston, ON, p 60
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3. Baranov A (1800) Letter, Baranov to Larionov, from Kodiak Island, July 24, 1800. In: Tikhmenev PA (1979) Pierce RA, Donnelly AS (eds) A history of the Russian-American Company, vol. 2: Documents (trans: Krenov D). Materials for the study of Alaska history, no 13. The Limestone Press, Kingston, ON, pp 110–111
4. Black L (1988) The story of Russian America. In: Fitzhugh WW, Crowell A (eds) Crossroads of continents: cultures of Siberia and Alaska. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, DC
5. Black LT (2004) Russians in Alaska: 1732–1867. University of Alaska Press, Fairbanks