1. Behice Boran Collection. Social History Foundation of Turkey (TUSTAV), Istanbul.
2. Personal folder Behice Boran. Archives of the Communist International (Comintern). Russian State Archive for Social and Political History (RGASPI), Moscow.
3. Akşam. “Askerî Mahkeme Kararını Bildirdi,” December 31, 1950.
4. Boran, Behice. “A Study of Occupational Mobility: An Analysis of Age Distributions of Occupational Groupings in The United States, 1910–1930.” The University of Michigan, 1939.
5. ———. “Behice Boran to Mahire Boran, January 24, 1939, Ann Arbor-USA.” In Behice Boran’ın Mektupları-I (1932–1984), edited by Tuba Akekmekçi and Tuğba Yıldırım, 95. Istanbul: Tarih Vakfı Yurt Yayınları, 2013.