Gregorio Fernando,González Gustavo,Schmidt Christian,Cousseau Juan
Springer International Publishing
Reference31 articles.
1. E.G. Larsson, O. Edfors, F. Tufvesson, T.L. Marzetta, Massive MIMO for next generation wireless systems. IEEE Commun. Mag. 52(2), 186–195 (2014)
2. F. Rusek, D. Persson, B.K. Lau, E.G. Larsson, T.L. Marzetta, O. Edfors, F. Tufvesson, Scaling up MIMO: opportunities and challenges with very large arrays. IEEE Signal Process. Mag. 30(1), 40–60 (2013)
3. L. Lu, G.Y. Li, A.L. Swindlehurst, A. Ashikhmin, R. Zhang, An overview of massive MIMO: benefits and challenges. IEEE J. Sel. Top. Signal Process. 8(5), 742–758 (2014)
4. H.Q. Ngo, E.G. Larsson, T.L. Marzetta, Energy and spectral efficiency of very large multiuser MIMO systems. IEEE Trans. Commun. 61(4), 1436–1449 (2013)
5. C.-S. Park, Y.-S. Byun, A.M. Bokiye, Y.-H. Lee, Complexity reduced zero-forcing beamforming in massive MIMO systems, in Information Theory and Applications Workshop (ITA) (2014), pp. 1–5