A Survey of Stability Results for Redundancy Systems


Anton Elene,Ayesta Urtzi,Jonckheere Matthieu,Verloop Ina Maria


Springer International Publishing

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1. Editorial introduction: second part of the special issue on product forms, stochastic matching, and redundancy;Queueing Systems;2024-08-09

2. Approximations to Study the Impact of the Service Discipline in Systems with Redundancy;ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review;2024-06-11

3. Approximations to Study the Impact of the Service Discipline in Systems with Redundancy;Abstracts of the 2024 ACM SIGMETRICS/IFIP PERFORMANCE Joint International Conference on Measurement and Modeling of Computer Systems;2024-06-10

4. Editorial introduction: special issue on product forms, stochastic matching, and redundancy;Queueing Systems;2024-04

5. Cloud Computing Value Chains: Research from the Operations Management Perspective;Manufacturing & Service Operations Management;2023-07








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