1. Australian War Memorial. ‘New Display Illuminates Australia’s Connection to the Holocaust’. 26 February 2020. https://www.awm.gov.au/media/press-releases/holocaustexhibition
2. Bingham, J.M.W. to MI5. Report. 19 December 1950. Samuel H. White. National Archives: KV 2/3505.
3. Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorial’s Foundation. ‘Historical Overview’. https://www.buchenwald.de/en/69/
4. CIAC. ‘Report of the Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Committee’. Canberra: L.F. Johnston, Commonwealth Government Printer, 27 February 1946.
5. CIAC Conditioning Campaign. Minutes, 28 January 1948. Commonwealth Immigration Advisory Council Conditioning Campaign Conferences with Press and Radio Representatives and Preparation of Statement for Circulation to Press and Radio Editors, Department of Immigration. NAA: A436, 1948/5/330.