1. House of Commons. “Letter to Sir James Graham, Baronet from George Nicholls, George Cornewall Lewis, and Edmund Walker Head, Commissioners, 31 January 1844, 10th Annual Report of the Poor Law Commissioners, appendix no. 7,” Sessional Papers, 1845, Poor Laws, vol. 27.
2. House of Commons. Royal Com. of Inquiry into Administration and Practical Operation of Poor Laws (in 1834). First Report. Sourced from the collection of the National Library of Scotland. https://parlipapers-proquest-com.libproxy.uco.edu/parlipapers/docview/t70.d75.1884-061420?accountid=14516
3. House of Lords. 1834. Report from His Majesty’s Commissioners for Inquiring into the Administration and Practical Operation of the Poor Laws. Sourced from the collection of the National Library of Scotland https://parlipapers-proquest-com.libproxy.uco.edu/parlipapers/docview/t70.d75.hol_00373-000002?accountid=14516
4. House of Lords. Parliamentary Debates, August 1834.
5. Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. 1856, 1996. Aurora Leigh. Edited by Margaret Reynolds. Norton Critical Edition. New York: W.W. Norton & Company, 1996.