1. Australia Icomos. 2000. The Burra Charter: The Australia ICOMOS charter for places of cultural significance 1999, with associated guidelines and code on the ethics of co-existence in conserving significant places. Australia ICOMOS Inc. Available at:
2. Marquis-Kyle, P., and M. Walker. 1992. The illustrated Burra Charter: Making good decisions about the care of important places. Canberra: Australia ICOMOS Inc. with the assistance of the Australian Heritage Commission.
3. Truscott, M., and D. Young. 2000. Revising the Burra Charter: Australia ICOMOS updates its guidelines for conservation practice. Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites 4 (2): 101–116.
4. Walker, M. 1996. Understanding the Burra Charter. Canberra: Australia ICOMOS.
5. Walker, M., and P. Marquis-Kyle. 2004. The illustrated Burra Charter: Good practice for heritage places. Australia ICOMOS Inc.