1. Bassett, Heather and Richard Kay. 2002. Ruatahuna: Land Ownership and Adminstration c.1896–1990, with Supporting Papers Vols I – III, report commissioned by the Waitangi Tribunal, June 2002. WAI 894 #A20. Wellington, N.Z.: Waitangi Tribunal.
2. Best, Elsdon. 1898. “Tuhoe genealogies 1898” (spine title); “Genealogies of the Tuhoe tribe. Also includes all living members of the tribe in 1898, as given before the Urewera Commission set up under the act of 1896.” Manuscript qMS [172]. Wellington, N.Z.: Alexander Turnbull Library. [The author can supply a digital index for this resource.]
3. Binney, Judith. 2002. Encircled Lands. Part Two, A History of the Urewera 1878–1912. An Overview Report on the Urewera for the Waitangi Tribunal. WAI 894, A15. Wellington, NZ: Waitangi Tribunal.
4. Firth, Raymond. 1959. The Economics of the New Zealand Maori. Second edition. Wellington, New Zealand: Government Printer. (1st edition 1929).
5. Kruger, Tāmati. 2017. “We are not who we should be as Tūhoe people.”