1. A. Cavaretta, Charles A. Micchelli and A. Sharma, Multivariate approximation and the Radon Transform, in preparation.
2. Carl de Boor, Splines as linear combinations of B-splines in A survey in Approximation Theory II, Edited by G. G. Lorentz, C. K. Chui, L. L. Schumaker, Academic Press, 1976, 1–47.
3. W. Dahmen, On multivariate B-splines, to appear SIAM J. Numer. Anal.
4. Charles A. Micchelli, A constructive approach to Kergin interpolation in R, University of Wisconsin, Math Res. Center Report No. 1895, 1978, to appear in Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics as A constructive approach to Kergin interpolation in R : multivariate B-splines and Lagrange interpolation.