1. Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Mazal, I., di Matteo, R., Agresta, M., Maglione, G.L.: Simulation of autonomous systems collaborating in industrial plants for multiple tasks. In: Proceedings of SESDE, Barcelona, September 2017
2. Bruzzone, A.G., Di Bella, P., Di Matteo, R., Massei, M., Reverberi, A., Milano, V.: Joint approach to model hybrid warfare to support multiple players. In: Proceedings of WAMS, Florence, September 2017
3. Bruzzone, A.G.: New challenges & missions for autonomous systems operating in multiple domains within cyber and hybrid warfare scenarios. Invited Speech at Future Forces, Prague, Czech Republic (2016)
4. Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Maglione, G.L., Di Matteo, R., Franzinetti, G.: Simulation of manned & autonomous systems for critical infrastructure protection. In: Proceedings of DHSS, Larnaca, Cyprus, September 2016
5. Bruzzone, A.G., Massei, M., Di Matteo, R., Agresta, M., Franzinetti, G., Porro, P.: Modeling, interoperable simulation & serious games as an innovative approach for disaster relief. In: Proceedings of I3M, Larnaca, 26–28 September 2016