AbstractThe Kyoto 2020 Commitment for Global Promotion of Understanding and Reducing Landslide Disaster Risk (Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020: KLC2020) was launched on 5 November 2020 by the adoption of 2020 Kyoto Declaration at the end of the launching session of the Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020. The KLC2020 was signed by 90 worldwide partners. On 3 November 2021, during the fifth World Landslide Forum (WLF5) held in a hybrid mode (onsite, online-virtual, and pre-recorded modes) in Kyoto, Japan, the ICL and the KLC2020 partners launched the new open-access book series “Progress in Landslide Research and Technology” to promote the Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020 for global promotion of understanding and reducing landslide disaster risk in 2022.The KLC 2020 Secretariat called for the KLC2020 official promoters which promote the Kyoto Landslide Commitment 2020 and provide the financial support for the implementation of the KLC2020 activities including the Open Access Book Series “Progress in Landslide Research and Technology (P-LRT).” At the same time, the Secretariat called for contribution of articles and voluntary editors. Thanks to strong support and contribution, the P-LRT could publish and edit 4 issues and now we have entered in the third-year publication. This article is the report of founding two issues Volume 1, Issue 1 and Issue 2, and the progress report of Volume 2, Issue 1 and Issue 2 published in 2023, and introduce the collected articles for Vol. 3, Issue 1 published in 2024.
Springer Nature Switzerland