1. CIE Publication 156: Guidelines for the evaluation of gamut mapping algorithms. (2004)
2. Morovic, J.: Color Gamut Mapping. Wiley Chichester, UK (2008)
3. IEC 61966-2-2: Multimedia systems and equipment – colour measurement and management – part 2–2: colour management – extended RGB colour space – scRGB (2003)
4. Spaulding, K.E., Woolfe, G.J., Giorgianni, E.J.: Reference input/output medium metric RGB color encodings (RIMM/ROMM RGB). In: IS&T PICS 2000 Conference Proceedings, pp. 155–163, Portland (2000)
5. ISO 3664: Viewing conditions – prints, transparencies and substrates for graphic arts technology and photography (2000)