Web Service for Point Cloud Supported Robot Programming Using Machine Learning


Enes Kristina


AbstractIn industrial automation, the use of robots is already standard. But there is still a lot of room for further automation. One such place where improvements can be made is in the adjustment of a production system to new and unknown products. Currently, this task includes the reprogramming of the robot and a readjustment of the image processing algorithms if sensors are involved. This takes time, effort, and a specialist, something especially small and middle-sized companies shy away from. We propose to represent a physical production line with a digital twin, using the simulated production system to generate labeled data to be used for training in a deep learning component. An artificial neural network will be trained to both recognize and localize the observed products. This allows the production line to handle both known and unknown products more flexible. The deep learning component itself is located in a cloud and can be accessed through a web service, allowing any member of the staff to initiate the training, regardless of their programming skills. In summary, our approach addresses not only further automation in manufacturing but also the use of synthesized data for deep learning.


Springer International Publishing

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