1. Armas, Jorge Murga. 2006. Iglesia Católica, Movimiento Indígena y Lucha Revolucionaria (Santiago Atitlán, Guatemala). Guatemala: Jorge Murga Armas.
2. Bacigalupo, Leonard. O.F.M. 1980. The American Franciscan Missions in Central America: Three Decades of Christian Service. Andover, MA: Charisma Press.
3. Benson, John T. Jr. 1977. A History 1898–1915 of the Pentecostal Mission, Inc. Nashville, Tennessee. Nashville, TN: Trevecca Press.
4. “Biography of Rev. and Mrs. Bradley.” n.d. International Pentecostal Holiness Church Archives and Research Center. Oklahoma City, OK, received January 23, 2015.
5. Blumhofer, Edith L. 1993. Restoring the Faith: The Assemblies of God, Pentecostalism and American Culture. Champaign, IL: University of Illinois Press.