1. Jaseongnok: See Yi Toegye 1985a below.
2. TJ: See Yi Toegye 1985b.
3. ZZYL: See Zhu Xi 1880.
4. Yi Toegye 李退溪. 1985a. Jaseongnok 自省錄 (Record of self-reflection), 1: 1a–76a. In Yi Toegye, Toegye jeonseo, vol. 3, 151–190.
5. Yi Toegye 李退溪. 1985b. Toegye jeonseo 退溪全書 (Complete works of Yi Toegye), enlarged edition, 5 vols. Seoul: Seonggyungwan University Press. Abbreviated TJ. Originally printed in 1843 as Toegye seonsaeng munjip 退溪先生文集 (Collection of literary works by master Yi Toegye).