1. Brewer J (2009) The American Leonardo: a tale of obsession, art and money. Oxford University Press, Oxford, p 2
2. CAA Guidelines (October 25, 2009) Authentications and Attributions. Available at http://www.collegeart.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines/authentications [last visited March 30 2022]
3. CAA Guidelines (October 26, 2014) Standards for the Practice of Art History. Available at http://www.collegeart.org/standards-and-guidelines/guidelines/art-history-ethics [last visited March 30 2022]
4. Catalogue Raisonné Scholars Association’s (CRSA) Guidelines for Issuing Scholarly Opinions about Authenticity. Available at https://static1.squarespace.com/static/589ddcb415d5dbf16195ec36/t/589df664bf629a9c5e6f7318/1486747236541/CRSAGuidelines.pdf [last visited March 30 2022]
5. Christ T, von Selle C (2012) Basel Art Trade Guidelines: Intermediary report of a self-regulation initiative. Working Paper Series No 12, Basel Institute on Governance pp 9f