AbstractWe introduce a Gentzen-style framework, calledlayered sequent calculi, for modal logic $$\textsf{K5}$$and its extensions $$\textsf{KD5}$$,$$\textsf{K45}$$,$$\textsf{KD45}$$,$$\textsf{KB5}$$, and $$\textsf{S5}$$with the goal to investigate the uniform Lyndon interpolation property (ULIP), which implies both the uniform interpolation property and the Lyndon interpolation property. We obtain complexity-optimal decision procedures for all logics and present a constructive proof of the ULIP for$$\textsf{K5}$$, which to the best of our knowledge, is the first such syntactic proof. To prove that the interpolant is correct, we use model-theoretic methods, especially bisimulation modulo literals.
Springer Nature Switzerland
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