1. Allen, R.E. 1970. Plato’s Euthyphro and the Earlier Theory of Forms. New York: Humanity Press.
2. Annas, J. 1981. An Introduction to Plato’s Republic. Oxford University Press.
3. Benson, H. 2013. The Priority of Definition. In Bloomsbury Companion to Socrates, ed. John Bussanich and Nicolas Smith, 135–154. Continuum.
4. Bluck, R.S. 1951. Logos and Forms in Plato: A Reply to Professor Cross. In Studies in Metaphysics, ed. R.E. Allen. London Press.
5. Breuer, J., and Sigmund Freud. 2004. Studies on Hysteria. Repr. 1895. Penguin Classics.