1. Adamson, Melitta Weiss. “Wellness Guides for Seniors in the Middle Ages.” Fifteenth-Century Studies, vol. 32, 2007, pp. 1-16.
2. Agar, Nicholas. Humanity’s End: Why We Should Reject Radical Enhancement. MIT P, 2010.
3. Bacon, Sir Francis. The History of Life and Death. The Works of Francis Bacon, Parry and McMillan, 1858. 3 vols.
4. Browne, Thomas, Sir. Religio Medici and Other Works. Edited by L. C. Martin, Clarendon P, 1964.
5. Coliva, Anna, and Bernard Aikema. Cranach: L’altro Rinascimento. Gallerie Borghese, 2010.