Springer Nature Switzerland
Reference21 articles.
1. Iovane G, Sandoli A, Marranzini D, Landolfo R, Prota A, Faggiano B (2022) Timber based systems for the seismic and energetic retrofit of existing structures. In: (a cura di) Ferro GA, Restuccia L, XIX ANIDIS Conference, Seismic Engineering in Italy. Procedia Structural Integrity, vol 44 (223), pp 1870–1876, ISBN: 9781713870418, ISSN: 2452-3216. Torino, Italy, 11–15/09/2022.
2. Faggiano B, Marzo A, Grippa MR, Iovane G, Mazzolani FM, Calicchio D (2018) The inventory of structural typologies of timber floor slabs and roofs in the monumental built heritage: the case of the royal palace of Naples. Int J Architect Herit 12:4, 683–709. ISSN 1558-3058. Special Issue on Existing Timber Structures, Guest Editors Branco J., Giongo I. Publisher Taylor and Francis.
3. Faggiano B et al (2021) The CARTIS form for the seismic vulnerability assessment of timber large-span structures. Buildings 11, 45:1–40. ISSN: 2075-5309.
4. Faggiano B, Nicolella M, Iovane G, Marranzini D (2022) A survey form for the structural health assessment of timber constructions, In: 6th international conference on structural health assessment of timber constructions (SHATIS22) 2022. 7–9 September 2022, Prague, Czech Republic
5. Marranzini D, Iovane G, Cascini L, Landolfo R, Nicolella M, Faggiano B (2023) A methodology for the service life estimation of timber buildings. In: Eight International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering (IALCCE 2023). 02–06 June 2023, Milan, Italy